How to Grow Your AI Marketing Garden
Content Marketing is a marathon, not a sprint
By Spider Graham
In my last column I shared 100 potential content marketing channels that digital marketers can use to reach their target audiences (100 Magic Doorways). What I didn’t mention in that column was that this was in no way a recommendation that ANY marketer should try to wrangle 100 channels at any given time.
In the 1990’s British anthropologist Robin Dunbar suggest that, based on the brain size of human beings and social structures, that human beings, on average, were able to maintain a maximum of 150 stable relationships (known as Dunbar’s Number).
I mention this because I has occurred to me in the past that in order to meaningfully maintain any of my friendships requires a certain amount of time and attention. This same holds true for creating relationships with prospects and customers.
I often think about my ongoing list of marketing projects almost like the Vaudeville era plate spinning acts. If I try to get too many plates spinning at one time (or managing friendships or marketing projects) it’s only a matter of time before things start to crash down around me. Part of what works for me is knowing what my limitations are.
For example, if I’m the only person creating content for my organization, then my list of ‘to do’ is going to be very finite. Depending on other responsibilities in my ‘day job’, writing 2 blog posts, 12 social media posts, creating 2 YouTube videos and keeping the brand web site updated is a full time job by itself. If I were to add to that list the need to plan a webinar, write an eBook, and design a training course, then I’m potentially setting myself up for a dramatic failure.
The path to success in content marketing is to approach your marketing like planting a garden. There is no reality where a gardener can simply toss a handful of seeds on the ground and then come back next day to harvest a bounty. Instead, a successful garden is based on making sure that the seeds take root and that the seedlings have the correct ratio of sunlight, water and nutrients to continue to grow. It means needing to weed the garden, prune as necessary, and keep that friggin woodchuck out of the garden!
If each of these steps is completed sufficiently, then the garden will yield results and be worth all the time and effort put into its maintenance.
In 2024, one of the things that will be dramatically changing this formula is the addition of AI Marketing tools to the average content marketing mix. The time-saving aspect of AI in digital marketing is a huge benefit. By automating content creation tasks, campaign management, and performance analysis, AI tools can substantially reduce the time and effort required to develop and implement marketing campaigns. In turn, this will significantly change how many tasks a single content creator will be able to produce in the same amount of time.
This efficiency not only accelerates the marketing process but also reduces costs and minimizes human error, leading to more effective and profitable marketing campaigns. The integration of AI in digital marketing isn’t just a trend, This is a fundamental shift in how marketing strategies are developed and executed.
This is where Gravity Clamp comes in. We offer AI Marketing Solutions to help marketers better understand the tools and strategies available in today’s marketplace.
To learn more about how we might help your company, check us out at Also visit our YouTube channel for an always fresh look at the latest and greatest AI marketing tools.
About Spider Graham
Spider Graham is the Founder and CEO of Gravity Clamp and has been a fixture in digital content marketing for nearly 30 years. As a technology writer and strategies trainer, Spider spends a lot of time thinking about ways to make content marketing even more powerful and offers AI Marketing focused training and consulting services. Check out Gravity Clamp’s free course on AI Marketing Fundamentals while it's still available to learn more.